Marketing Material

In the form below, request new conference recruiting materials, including the “Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian” folders, flyers, invitation card and customized flyer. Please review the materials before making your request.

Request Marketing Material

Love Your Neighbor Folders + Inserts

Ways to Get Involved Flyer [Download PDF]

Custom Conference Info Flyer [Download .docx]

Main SVDP Georgia Logo

Blue High-Resolution Logo (JPG/PNG)

Communications Resources

SVdP Quotes from Key Figures

SVdP USA Fact Sheet

Poverty Fact Sheet  (You can populate a template for your county by visiting and

Social Media Guidelines

Basic Conference Introduction PowerPoint
Download this presentation for use in general information meetings for new/prospective members.

If you would like assistance in running an information meeting (technology, speaker, etc.), please let us know. A member from the CSC Vincentian Services department would be happy to help with implementing this meeting.

Social Media


SDvP Georgia Facebook

SDvP Georgia Twitter

SVdP Georgia Instagram

SVdP Georgia LinkedIn

SVdP Georgia Youtube





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