CMS Support Community

Welcome to the CMS Support Community where you will find all the CMS resources and support you need including FAQs, CMS training, updates and more.

NEW TO CMS? CMS is a web-based Case Management System, which facilitates the handling of cases from start to finish.  This includes case intake, home visit and requests for payments on behalf of a client. Caseworkers can easily look up client history, or create a new client. CMS also has a robust reporting module, and can be used for various initiatives such as holiday programs and food pantry tracking.



Ready to access CMS? Click on the link below and be sure to have your username and password available. For quick access, please bookmark the CMS direct link



Thursday, September 7, 2023 on Zoom

Learn how you can effectively close for 2023 Fiscal Year-End (September 30th). This training is designed for CMS users with the role of President and/or Treasurer.


NEW! CMS Enhancements

We are excited to release CMS 4.1 on January 4th, 2023. This release is an upgrade to CMS 4.0 and includes two major enhancements – Assistance Simplification and Auto Close. These enhancements are a direct result of feedback provided by Conferences.

Assistance Simplification focuses on improving the overall Caseworker’s experience by streamlining the Conference Visit process (from Pre-Visit to Close Case) by making it simple, intuitive, fast, and flexible. This enhancement also provides a cleaner and fresher “look and feel” to the user interface.
Note: if you have a Caseworker role, please watch all three of the Assistance Simplification training videos PRIOR to the CMS 4.1 release in order to be prepared for this enhancement. 

Auto Close is a Case Manager’s tool to quickly close cases left opened by the Caseworker. This tool will assist in reducing the number of open cases, allowing for more accurate Conference monthly and annual reports.
Note: if you have a Case Manager role, please watch the Auto Close training video PRIOR to the CMS 4.1 release in order to be prepared for this enhancement. 

For more details about these enhancements, please refer to the CMS 4.1 Release Notes and CMS 4.1 Release Notes Supplement.

CMS Quick Links

CMS Knowledge Team Members by District

For training or general questions, please contact your CMS District Knowledge Sharing Team member listed below:


Enhancement Requests

Please submit your enhancement request by clicking the button below. Once received, we will log your request and consider it in future CMS versions. Thank you.



Please send us your feedback regarding your CMS experience. We want to hear the good, bad and the ugly. Please remember we are all volunteers working hard to improve your CMS experience, so please keep your comments focused and professional.


Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions

For all general questions, please contact your District CMS Knowledge Sharing Team Member. Click HERE for a list of members by district.

For ALL feature/function problem reporting, use the CMS Support Ticket form.


Release Notes

Here you will find all of the release notes for each version we have deployed since inception of CMS. The release notes contain descriptions of the features, functions, changes, and bug fixes that were included in the new CMS version.

Are you using the most recent CMS version?

CMS 4.0 Browser Version is now available! CMS 4.0 supports multiple devices through major internet browsers, including those on iPad, Chromebook, Android, and Surface devices.

CMS Updates

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