Digital Toolkit
This digital toolkit was designed for the Love Your Neighbor, Live Vincentian growth and revitalization campaign, providing Conferences with a rich array of resources. From engaging flyers and downloadable referral cards to impactful bulletin announcements, compelling pulpit talks, and eye-catching social media frames—every element is strategically designed to support Conferences in inspiring, engaging, and mobilizing individuals to become a member of St. Vincent de Paul.
Vincentian Video Testimonials
Visit our library of video testimonials to view/download for use at meetings, pulpit talks, and more.
How to download:
- Visit and select the video you want to download.
- Right-click on the video (or tap and hold on mobile devices) to reveal a menu of options.
- From the menu, select “Save video as…” or a similar option depending on your browser.
- Choose the destination folder where you want to save the video.
These are some examples of what the testimonials look like:
Referral Card (5.5 x 4.25 in)
Invitation to Serve Packet
This packet includes detailed information to help you get started in your recruiting efforts. It includes samples of timelines, keys to success, bulletin announcements, scripts for the presentation, a guide/agenda for the orientation meeting, and more.
Click the button below to view/download the packet.
Bulletin Announcements
Download a Word document [.docx] or simply copy/paste the verbiage below.
Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. Are you looking for ways to experience Christ? Members of St. Vincent de Paul invite you to share in their ministry of experiencing Christ by serving our neighbors in need. We see Christ in the poor because Jesus told us “whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do for me.” Learn more today by reaching out to __________for additional information and upcoming dates of our next meetings or visit for more information.
Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. Do you consider yourself a naturally caring, compassionate and giving person? If so, come and share your gifts with people in need by joining St. Vincent de Paul. We invite you to learn more by attending one of our upcoming meetings, which occur ________________. You can also reach out to ______________for any questions and for additional information, or visit for more information.
Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. You are invited to serve people in need by joining St. Vincent de Paul. Your assistance to people in our Parish and the surrounding community needing food, clothes, rental assistance, utility assistance and other needs will be a rewarding experience. Is it time for you to live your religious convictions and give something back for all you have received? Come join us at our next meeting to learn how you can make a difference in the lives of others. Contact ____________to learn more, or visit for more information.
Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. St. Vincent de Paul Georgia is launching a recruiting campaign to grow our parish-based volunteers, known as Vincentians, in response to the growing need in our communities. The mission of our organization is deeply rooted in the tradition of serving neighbors in need through personal relationships and direct aid offered with dignity and respect. This call to serve will help fulfill your needs to be involved with a ministry that goes to the very heart of Christ’s teaching to love and care for all people. Join us today and come see what it is all about. Reach out to _________________for more information, or visit for more information.
Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. Vincentians offer Help and Hope to the impoverished, the unhoused, those facing a temporary bump in the road to stability and self-sufficiency, and anyone else beset by burdens that might be lightened by personal intervention. Whether a mother and children fleeing an abusive relationship, a homeless family living in a tent, an elderly man facing eviction, or someone just laid off from their job and unable to pay the bills, all are among the nearly 200,000 neighbors served each year by the men and women of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia and its 73 parish-based chapters (called “Conferences”) throughout the state. We invite you to learn more about getting involved in our local conference at our parish – reach out to _______________to learn more, or visit for more information.
Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. We are looking for prospective volunteers, who are looking for a place to live out their faith through service, in community, and with purpose. These characteristics capture the essence of the St. Vincent de Paul mission centered on love and life. Vincentians see their neighbors in need as equal to themselves and worthy of love, regardless of their difficult situation. If you would like to learn more about this ministry and become a part of it in serving others – please reach out to ________________________, or visit for more information.
Sample Pulpit Talk
Download a Word document [.docx] or simply copy/paste the verbiage below.
My name is _________________ and I am a member of the St. Vincent de Paul conference here at __________________. I would like to spend a few minutes to tell you about our ministry and how you might benefit from growing your faith with us.
Jesus said, “The poor will always be with us”. Many are surprised to learn that the poor are found not just within the inner city or in deep rural areas, but also right here in our own local communities. They are families and individuals on a limited income who are having problems paying their rent, utility bills. They may have an unexpected car repair and can’t make it to work. Or they may not even have enough money to buy food for their children.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul can be found where there is poverty and people in need. While our work can be complex, our focus is simple: to grow in faith through serving our neighbor. Guided by the two great commandments: to love God and love our neighbor, we are a person-to-person Catholic ministry that sees the face of Christ in the faces of those whom we serve. We are in 73 parishes in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and Diocese of Savannah, in every state in the U.S., and 145 countries around the world. We have a conference at our parish because there are so many people in need in and around our parish. Through the Holy Spirit, you are the reason why we are able to support our neighbors. You donate money, food, clothing, and gift cards at Christmas. But what we also need is the gift of your time. I am here today to invite you to serve with us and put your Catholic faith into action.
Around the state we served close to 200,000 people last year and don’t have enough Vincentians to keep up. So we’re looking for volunteers to work with those in need, speak with them over the phone, visit them as a part of a team, give them food from our pantry, offer financial assistance, or simply listen to them. If you don’t think you can do it, trust me, you can. Those in need are often praying for a blessing – a miracle. A simple conversation with them can make a big difference in their life.
Many of you might also be thinking that you simply don’t have the time to squeeze another activity into an already busy lifestyle. With this ministry, the amount of time you wish to dedicate is completely up to you…whether it is one hour per week or one hour per month.
We have a table set up in the narthex with volunteers to answer your questions and a signup sheet if you want to learn more. There are also flyers next to the signup sheet with more information on the ministry and volunteer needs.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied.
Take the opportunity to put your faith into action and do God’s will, helping those who need it most.
Blessed are the merciful; they will be shown mercy.
Take the opportunity to put your faith in action and show mercy to those who are suffering. You won’t regret it.
Lastly, I will leave you with Christ’s words: “What you do for the least of mine you do for me”. If you have ever felt like Christ has called you to live those words, then this is the right ministry for you.
Sample Pulpit Talk (Spanish)
Download a Word document [.docx] or simply copy/paste the verbiage below.
Buenos Días! Me llamo _____________________ y soy miembro de la Conferencia de San Vincete de Paúl, aqui en la parroquia de _________________________.
San Vicente de Paúl es una sociedad Católica de laicos que trabaja para ayudar a los pobres y necesitados. No somos una agencia de servicios sociales. Formamos un ministerio que trabaja con personas individuales y tratamos de ver el rostro de JesuCristo en cada persona que sufre. Trabajamos en la mayorïa de las parroquias de esta Diócesis; trabajamos en todos los estados de este país, y en 132 paises en el mundo.
“Los pobres estarán con nosotros siempre”!—–Se hallan los pobres en el centro de cada ciudad, y estan también en ___________(otro ciudad), ___________(otro ciudad), ___________(otro ciudad), y en cúalquier otro lugar. Son familias y individuales que tienen recursos limitados y problemas cuando tratan de pagar sus cuentas de renta, agua, y electricidad. A veces, no tienen dinero para comprar comida para los niños.
Donde hay pobreza y personas necesitadas, trabaja San Vincente de Paúl. Hay gente pobre que necesita asistencia en esta area, y por eso nuestra conferencia de San Vicente de Paúl se mantiene muy ocupada en esta parroquia de _________________. Somos un grupo pequeño de personas dedicadas, pero necesitamos la asistencia de otros, como ustedes.
Hoy vengo aquí para invitarle a usted para participar y servir con los otros miembros de San Vincente de Paúl. Les queremos ofrecer una oportunidad de poner en práctica la fe Católica, para servir a los que más necesitan nuestra ayuda.
Hay muchas personas que contribuyen fondos, los que necesitamos mucho, pero necesitamos especialmente el tiempo y la asistencia de personas como ustedes.
Necesitamos a voluntarios para visitar las casas de los necesitados, para llevarles comida, y a veces, ayuda financiera, y a veces, nada mas para sentarnos con ellos y poder escucharlos. San Vicente de Paúl ofrece otras opotunidades para voluntarios, por ejemplo: en los bancos de comida, en tiendas donde vendemos ropa, en los comedores donde alimentamos a la gente pobre, y muchas oportunidades mas donde usted puede ser un voluntario. Ustedes pueden decidir cuanto tiempo quieren trabajar —- una hora o mas cada semana, o una hora o mas cada mes. Dios los premiara!.
Para más información, pueden preguntar a nuestros voluntarios despues de la Misa . Tendremos una reunión ___________________para expliar lo que es necesario.
Ojalá y que puedan considerar este desafío y las palabras de JesuCristo: “Cuando lo hicieron con alguno de los más pequeños de estos mís hermanos, me lo hicieron a mí.” Yo no necsito su ayuda: JesuCristo la necesita, porque los hijos de Cristo son necesitados, y Cristo nos invita a servir a estas personas.
Después de la Misa, miembros y representantes de San Vicente de Paúl estaran en el salón detrás para explicar sus prequntas y aceptar nombres y números de teléfono de personas interesadas en ayudarnos.
Muchas gracias por su atención. Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a sus familias!
Welcome Orientation (PPT)
Campaign Slogan
Campaign Icon
Live Vincentian Flyer [Download PDF – English] | [Download PDF – Spanish]
Ways to Get Involved Flyer [Download PDF – English] | [Download PDF – Spanish]
Conference Info Flyer [Download PDF – English] | [Download PDF – Spanish]
Custom Conference Info Flyer [Download .docx]
Social Media Toolkit
We encourage you to share these graphics on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Threads. You may also customize them with photos and testimonies from your own Vincentians using this Canva template.
Profile Frame
Update your profile picture with a Love Your Neighbor, Live Vincentian frame to show your support of growing St. Vincent de Paul membership, deepening one’s faith life, and providing more Help and Hope to neighbors in need. Add your picture with this Canva template.
Sample Posts
- Use the sample posts below to post on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Threads
- Share information about the campaign with your networks via email and other channels
- Use #LoveYourNeighbor, #LiveVincentian and #JoinSVdPGA wherever possible
- Feel free to customize based on your audience.
- Where appropriate, add in a link to the Love Your Neighbor, Live Vincentian campaign page ( so those interested can get more information about St. Vincent de Paul and what it means to Live Vincentian.
Post 1: Is there a missing link in your faith life? St. Vincent de Paul is a ministry that fulfills the two great commandments: love of God and love of neighbor. Ask me about ways to volunteer and what it means to Live Vincentian. #LoveYourNeighbor #LiveVincentian #JoinSVDPGA
Post 2: Looking to deepen your faith and make a real difference in your community? St. Vincent de Paul embodies the essence of Christian love through service to others. Reach out to me to learn how you can get involved and Live Vincentian. #LoveYourNeighbor #LiveVincentian #JoinSVDPGA
Post 3: Feeling called to serve others and grow closer to God? St. Vincent de Paul offers a path to meaningful friendships and spiritual fulfillment through volunteerism. Let’s chat about what it means to Live Vincentian. #LoveYourNeighbor #LiveVincentian #JoinSVDPGA
Post 4: Are you seeking a way to live out your faith in practical ways? St. Vincent de Paul provides opportunities to put love into action by serving neighbors in need. Reach out to me to discover the joy of Living Vincentian. #LoveYourNeighbor #LiveVincentian #JoinSVDPGA
Post 5: Looking for a way you can make a real difference while growing spiritually? St. Vincent de Paul offers a vibrant community of volunteers dedicated to loving God and loving neighbor. Let’s talk about how you can Live Vincentian. #LoveYourNeighbor #LiveVincentian #JoinSVDPGA
Post 6: If you are seeking a way to grow closer to God through meaningful friendships and love of neighbor, living Vincentian is perfect for you! Join me in volunteering with St. Vincent de Paul and extend a helping hand to our neighbors who need it most while deepening your faith life. #LoveYourNeighbor #LiveVincentian #JoinSVDPGA
“The Society is open to all those who seek to live their faith loving and committing themselves to their neighbor in need.” (Rule, Part I, 3.1)
Order Marketing Materials
In the form below, request new conference recruiting materials, including the “Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian” folders, flyers, invitation card and customized flyer. Please review the materials before making your request.
Request Marketing Material