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Posted on: August 15, 2023

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A wonderful Vincentian reflection for today deals with Blessed Malla who was born in Spain in 1861. He was beatified in 1997 and is a wonderful example for all Vincentians as he exemplified charity to the poor and prayer to the Blessed Mother. During the Spanish Civil War in July, 1936, he was imprisoned for protesting the arrest of a priest. While in prison, he prayed the rosary and was offered freedom if he would give up his rosary. He could not deny the rosary and thus he was killed by a firing squad on August 2, 1936, clutching his rosary.

As we encounter our Lord in our Vincentian calling in serving others, may we all at some point during this day, thank our Blessed Mother for her Son and in her example of how she strives to help bring others to her Son, may we all open our hearts as we follow her example in serving others. Have a blessed day.

Deacon Bill Boyd

Spiritual Advisor Council


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