Hope for Crystal
Crystal worked two jobs before COVID-19. Unfortunately, she lost one of her jobs during the pandemic, which took a toll on her finances. Crystal also brought in extra income through towing old cars for metal until her company trailer and truck recently went missing. Although the price of metal had decreased over the years, the little income that she received from the business was helpful.
Crystal only had a little money left, and all of her bills were overdue. Her mortgage company offered an installment plan, but Crystal was 5 months behind in her payments and was unable to pay the minimum installment due. Her electric company soon stopped accepting partial payments, that left Crystal behind on her utility bills.
On top of having overdue bills, Crystal had coronavirus twice and also suffered from cardiac issues from a stroke in 2018. Crystal’s son Jacob was disabled and received a disability check every month that helped cover a few expenses, and her other son Landon was a full-time college student. Her daughter recently had several surgeries and had been out of work recovering, which left Crystal looking after her 5-month-old granddaughter that was born prematurely and required specialized equipment and care. The only income that Crystal and her family had coming in was from her son Jacob’s monthly disability check.
Crystal reached out to SVdP for financial assistance, and a caseworker contacted her on the day that her electricity disconnected. SVdP was able to help pay almost $1000 towards her utility bills. Crystal is very grateful for the assistance SVdP provided and is hopeful that someone will locate her company trailer and truck. In the meantime, her daughter will be returning to work very soon to help with expenses.