Family of 7 in Hotel

It was 3:00 on a Saturday afternoon when SVdP received a call from a neighbor who was about to become homeless. Henry had a wife and five children -the youngest was just 10 months old. He had been working in a local restaurant for $12/hour and his wife was unable to work due to the age of the youngest child. He was just recovering from the flu and had missed some work so the family did not have the funds to pay for another week in the extended stay hotel where they had been living for several months. They were trying to save money for deposits so they could move into an apartment. His wife was planning on returning to work and Henry was looking for a second job.
SVdP stepped in and paid for two weeks in the hotel so that Henry and his family would not be displaced and they could put the second weeks’ hotel fee towards a deposit on an apartment.
Everything is going great now,” says Henry. “My wife is back at work and I ended up getting a raise and more hours at my job. We are really happy in our new apartment and thankful for SVdP for getting us there.