Holy Redeemer Students raise nearly $9,000 for SVdP Georgia, Participating in Hunger Walk Run!

The Holy Redeemer seventh-grade classes have a tradition of supporting the Atlanta Community Food Bank’s annual Hunger Walk Run. This year, students sent emails to family and friends to solicit donations for their participation in the virtual event.
On the Thursday before the walk, Holy Redeemer students wore their Hunger Walk t-shirts to school to show their support for the event and were fed a hunger meal of broth, rice, and a slice of bread to show their solidarity with the hungry in the world. On Sunday, March 7th, students walked or ran the 5k with family and friends.
The students raised nearly $9,000 to support St. Vincent de Paul Georgia!
SVdP Georgia and the teachers of Holy Redeemer are proud of the student’s amazing support and efforts to help end homelessness in our area.