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Posted on: August 1, 2021

While there continues to be a moratorium on evictions for COVID related rent delinquencies, it is only a short term relief with little possibility of another extension.  A positive consequence of this recent event is that many of the covid relief funds are starting to get thru the bureaucratic log jam and to those in need.  We have witnessed some county governments (eg Fulton and Dekalb)  reopen and process rental assistance.  Some municipalities have also reached out to our Council Office / Conferences wanting to re-establish programs that we administered earlier this year.

For those not served thru county / municipal funded COVID assistance programs, there is the statewide rental assistance program from the Department of Community Affairs.

Georgia Department of Community Affairs has almost a billion dollars for rental assistance that they are implementing themselves.  They hired about 100 staff people to work the program.  The program will pay up to 18months of rental arrears and 3 months rent going forward, capped at $15,000.  Currently, this funding is for people living outside of metro Atlanta, see attached.  Undocumented persons can apply. There is still a considerable amount of funds available.

Utility Assistance

There are a number of organizations doing CSBG/LIHEAP work that were appointed by the governor.  This is for utility assistance.  They can be found at the following website,   

Gwinnett County

Project RESET 2.0 will provide rental, utility, and internet service relief for eligible renter households who have become housing insecure as a direct result of the impacts of COVID-19. Payments will be made directly to landlords and utility providers for past-due balances as well as current and future payments. Learn more and find answers to frequently asked questions at

Eligibility Households must meet the following criteria: 

  • Below 80 percent area median income 
  • Impacted by COVID-19 
  • Priority given to households at or below 50 percent area median income and those with individuals who have been unemployed more than 90 days at the time of application.

Landlords must provide the following documentation: 

  • Property Ownership/Management 
  • Executed rental agreement 
  • Tax ID #

The online form is available here.

For more details click here.

We ask that you be aware of local funding programs either administered by the local government or a third party.  In the event these local grant programs are looking to partner with SVdP, please engage our development organization to help with ensuring the proper application and, importantly, assist in the ongoing government reporting and compliance requirements.


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