You can stick to one track and attend all the workshops in that track to dive deep into a specific focus area; or, you can mix and match workshops from different tracks to create a schedule tailored to your interests and needs.
Track A – Casework
1. Trauma-Informed Casework
2. Helping Neighbors Facing Eviction
3. Walking with Immigrant Families
Track B – Vincentian Charism
1. Embracing the Personal Encounter
2. Live Vincentian – An Everyday Guide
3. Our Vincentian Roots and Catholic Social Teaching
Track C – Leadership
1. Membership Recruiting: Now What?
2. Show Me the Money! Conference Fundraising at its Best
3. Thoughts of a Thrift Store?
Track D – New Vincentian
1. Building Neighborhoods of Support and Friendship: A Guide to Council Resources
2. Am I really a Vincentian?
3. Eviction Prevention 101
Spring to Life Registration Form 2025
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