St. Vincent de Paul Georgia is comprised, in part, of 73 local service hubs – called Conferences and typically based out of a parish or church – staffed by trained volunteer caseworkers called Vincentians, who work to serve the tens of thousands of individuals and families struggling with hunger, on the verge of homelessness and in crisis.

St. Vincent de Paul Georgia’s 5,000+ volunteer caseworkers deliver help and hope to neighbors in need across the state in a variety of ways – from home visits to stocking food pantries to connecting individuals and families in crisis with stabilizing resources.


In addition to serving as a volunteer caseworker, Vincentians participate in regular Conference meetings during which assistance requests are discussed as well as upcoming events, Conference needs, financial resources and more. Conference meetings also provide an opportunity for spiritual reflection and activities. Each Conference elects a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Spiritual Advisor.


St. Vincent de Paul Georgia’s 73 Conferences are grouped into 9 Districts by geographic region.  Each District has a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Spiritual Advisor.  District meetings are held quarterly to help and support the Conferences in each district’s respective region.


St. Vincent de Paul Georgia emerged at the turn of the 20th century.  The first St. Vincent de Paul volunteer group was founded in 1903 by a group of concerned parishioners at Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta, 70 years after the international St. Vincent de Paul Society was founded in Paris, France in 1833.

Guided by the examples of their patron, St. Vincent de Paul, and the founder of the St. Vincent de Paul charitable organization, Frederic Ozanam, early members of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia sought to live their faith by caring for others, and became pioneers in the development of social programs to help those suffering from poverty.  For nearly 120 years, St. Vincent de Paul Georgia has served individuals and families in their time of need, providing safety net social services to help stabilize those in crisis and put them on a path to self-sufficiency.

St. Vincent de Paul Georgia is proud of its long and distinguished history of serving neighbors in need in Georgia.

A Word From Our President

SVdP Caseworkers Help Woman Pay Her Rent

Become a Vincentian

Membership, or Vincentian service, is not limited to Catholics but open to all persons, Christian or other, who feel they are called to put their faith into practice by serving those in need.

If you are interested in becoming a Vincentian, please contact your nearest Catholic Church to be connected to the St. Vincent de Paul Conference operating in that area, or call our helpline to find by zip code, 678-892-6163.

Don’t have a Conference in your parish? Consider starting a Conference and contact us to help you get started!


Please contact the Vincentian Services department with any questions on how to become a member of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia.