Our Mission

Respecting the dignity of each person, St. Vincent de Paul Georgia brings hope and help to those in need so they may achieve stability and move toward self-sufficiency.

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Thrift Stores

Support your local SVdP Georgia thrift store by donating some gently used goods today.

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Ways to Give

Your donation to St. Vincent de Paul Georgia will bring hope and help to those in need so they may achieve stability and move toward self-sufficiency.

Without you, our work would not be possible.

Ways to Give

Stories of Hope

Through a network of 5,000 volunteers, St. Vincent de Paul Georgia gave $19 million in assistance last year to 116,000 people on the edge of poverty and financial ruin.

Each of these neighbors who call on us for help has a unique story to tell. These brave people are sharing their stories with you in hopes that you will understand some of the barriers they face and perhaps be inspired by their effort to build a better future for themselves and their families.

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